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  • Repair & Resoling Services

    We love our shoes, clothes, and gear to pieces...and we are sure that some of you out there do as well.

    Don't worry though - the team here at Eastside Sports can help!

    As a full-service outdoor and mountain sports shop, we have a whole host of DIY repair items for purchase in store and online. Additionally, depending on the issue, our staff is occasionally able to make some small gear (not apparel) repairs for free if you bring your item into the store.

    And, if we cannot, then we know the niche experts (and their small independent businesses) who definitely can.

    Fabric & Outerwear Repairs

    For over 30 years, Eastside Sports' affiliated repair partner is Freewind, run by Bishop-local and former store cobbler, Paul "Fig" Fiola. The small, independent operation is famed for its expertly honed craftmanship cultivated from his wealth of industry knowledge acquired over decades of hands-on experience. His work is second-to-none here in the Eastern Sierra and it has inspired the trust of local adventurers to the point where Freewind is considered the go-to shop for fabric and outerwear repairs.

    • Items Worked On & Services
      • Jackets (insulated, puffy, fleece, etc.), pants, rainwear, skiwear, tents, packs, sleeping bags, waders, and more!
      • Replace zippers, snaps, grommets, buckles, and miscellaneous hardward
      • Reinforce, customize, or design your own gear
      • Sewing-related repairs for hang-gliders, para-gliders, and windsurfers
      • Custom boat covers, tarps, storage, cases
    • 2-3 week turnaround once delivered to Freewind
    • Price depends on repairs requested and will only be known for sure upon repair being completed - almost all repairs fall between $5-$50 with most in that range being less than $25.
    • Two Options to Submit Items:
      1. Drop off item(s) at Eastside Sports
      2. Mail to Eastside Sports at address below with repair ticket included.
    • Two Options to Get Item(s) Back After Repair:
      1. Picked up your item(s) at Eastside Sports in person with payment in cash or check to the store staff upon pick up.
      2. Shipping back to the requested address written on your repair ticket with payment (for both repair and shipping) made via credit/debit card using a Shopify link sent to you by Eastside Sports. Shipping back to you will typically cost $7-$10 per item depending on size and weight. We will charge you the exact cost quoted to us by USPS.
    • Note: some repairs may not be able to occur after inspection and assessment by Freewind. In this case, you will get notice from Freewind directly (or Eastside Sports if you are requesting we ship your item(s) back to you).

    Eastside Sports
    Attn: Freewind
    224 N. Main St
    Bishop, CA 93514

    Phone: +1-760-872-1468

    Footwear Repairs & Resoling (Climbing, Hiking, & More)

    1. Our first stop for any repair or resoling of boots or shoes, the Eastside Sports staff personally uses and recommends The Rubber Room. Why? Because it was originally the footwear repair and resoling business that was founded as Eastside Sports in 1977 (a.k.a. "Wheeler Boot Repair" in those days) and then became successful enough to split off in 1999!

    It is run by Tony Puppo, the head cobbler and local climbing legend, who has been at the helm of the operation since 1981 back when it was the only such business in the area. His team's tailored craftmanship and personalized customer service is trusted and beloved by everyone in the Eastern Sierra from professional climbers like Ron Kauk and Katie Lambert all the way to the everyman just looking to hike, camp, and fish some more in their favorite boots. Treat yourself and get the job done right the first time by Tony and his team!

    The Rubber Room
    214-A West Line St
    Bishop, CA 93514

    Phone: +1-760-872-1363
    Toll Free: +1-888-395-ROCK (7625)

    Learn More

    2. If it cannot be done at The Rubber Room, then we would recommend you go with another fellow high-quality small business with a big reputation, Dave Page, Cobbler up in the Pacific Northwest. 

    Dave Page, Cobbler
    3509 Evanston Ave. N.
    Seattle, WA 98103

    Call: (800) 252-1229 or (206) 632-8686

    Learn More


    Tent Pole Repairs

    For tricky or complicated tent pole repairs, our best recommendation is TentPole Technologies. If you come into Eastside Sports, our staff is always happy to take a look at it and see if we can help fashion a quick fix from our "odds & ends" bin. If not, we sell a DIY pole repair kit and shock cord handy for quick, temporary fixes (or to have on hand just in case).

    TentPole Technologies, LLC
    12013 NE 99th Street Ste. 1600
    Vancouver, WA 98682

    Call: (360) 260-9527

    Learn more